01 May 2010

Yay! for May

April is always a tough month for me. My birthday is the last day, so I end up feeling like I'm waiting waiting waiting, then Boom! Birthday is done and gone. Also since I was born on a decade, so decade birthdays are even more anxiety driven.

So May First is the day I get to exhale!

May First feels like the beginning of the year, time to set resolutions, clean the closets, plant a tree.

So when I discovered nablopomo monthly theme for May, I said Yay! 

Things are looking up. 


  1. Belated happy birthday! April 30th is Queen's Day in Holland: a national holiday on which we celebrate... the queen's birthday! So you're in good company! :)

    It's actually the birthday of the former queen, but her daughter decided not to change the holiday because hers on January 31st... ;)

  2. PS I almost joined you in nablopomo but now that I discovered it comes around each month I think I might postpone ;)

    Good luck!

  3. Thank You gnoegnoe! I knew a Jerome from my seismo days who said I shared a birthday with his Queen, so in that case, I was okay! I think that's rather cool!


Thanks for sharing!